在一九九六年,一群居住在Pinellas County北部的弟兄姐妹有同樣的感動要成立華人教會來敬拜神和傳福音。 一九九六年三月二十七日,正式向聯邦及州政府立案為非營利性的宗教組織,並定名為清水華人基督教教會。那年冬天,我們接觸了一些位於60號公路 (SR 60)北部的美國的浸信會,在一個星期五晚上的查經班裡,弟兄姐妹為我們未來的教會正式命名 “清水信望愛華人浸信會”。一九九七年的春天,Countryside浸信會的弟兄姐妹因聖靈感動願意接納我們成為他們的華人差會,一同為神的國度齊心努力 。
一九九七年三月三十日復活節 主日舉行我們在現址的第一個主日崇拜。在過去的十幾年沒有固定的駐堂牧者,感謝神 差遣了祂眾多的僕人來餵養我們: Gary Williams牧師 、 Richard Piscopo牧師、 郭文仁牧師、邱世雄傳道、陳國基長老、郭應言牧師、 Joseph Brown牧師、陳家厚牧師, 和 言迦南牧師 。
二零一五年九月十三日,教會通過正名為 “清水華人基督教會” ,以符合向佛州政府登記註冊的英文名, Clearwater Chinese Christian Church (C.C.C.C) 。
In early 1996, a group of Chinese Christians who resided in northern Pinellas County had the same thought to establish a Chinese church to worship God and spread Gospels. On March 27 of 1996, we officially registered to the federal and state government as a non-profit religious organization and named it Clearwater Chinese Christian Church. Later that year, we contacted several American Baptist churches located north of SR 60. During a Friday night Bible study, brothers and sisters formally named our future church in Chinese as Clearwater Faith Hope Love Chinese Baptist Church.
In the spring of 1997, touched by the Holy Spirit, the brothers and sisters of Countryside Baptist Church were willing to accept us into their church as a Chinese Mission. Our first Sunday worship was held on March 30, 1997, Easter Sunday. For the past years, although we did not have a pastor to shepherd us, God had provided several pastors to minister us: Dr. Gary Williams, Rev. Richard Piscopo, Rev. Wesley Kuo, Minister Chiu, Elder Eddie Chen, Rev. Yinyen Kuo, Rev. Joseph Brown, Rev. Daniel K. Chen, and Rev. Jianan “Canaan” Yan.
On September 13, 2015, the church through the name of “Clearwater Chinese Christian Church,” to comply with the Florida government registered English name, Clearwater Chinese Christian Church (C.C.C.C).