Christmas 2016-12-20

On December 20, 2016 we had a wonderful Christmas service and celebration.

For more details and your own personal photos please click the link below:

From Victim to Victor

By Kathy Xie (2015.03.10)

When I joined this church and got baptized 3 months after around Easter 4 years ago, I was in the darkest time of my life. Today, I am living a very happy life. The life I would never thought it was possible back then. But with God’s mercy and grace, he has made everything possible.

My life was almost crushed

My life was completely shattered 4 and half years ago. My ex-husband’s long time fair with another woman came to light and they had a child. The businesses we funded in China and in the States have nothing to do with me. It was the time when real estate market crashed in Florida. I was left alone with two very young kids, mortgages close to 1 Million under my name only, including the money borrowed from my parents, not knowing truth directly from my ex. I seriously thought of filing bankruptcy, short-sale of the condo we live, etc… It was an understatement to say that I was scared to death. His cruelty and the way he handled things were outrageous and caused me so much pain and anger. I just wanted him to die. I hit the rock bottom and couldn’t sleep at all.

An inch at the Cliff

We were fighting at the edge of a cliff. A heated instance taken to the court made me realize if we continue to fight, I would be destroyed and my two kids would likely become foster kids. During that dark period, I experienced every single negative feeling human being could possibly experience. One Sunday I walked into the church full of anger, the message from Rev. Brown was how Bible teaches us to control anger. I felt God was talking to me directly. I worried every single day because I never knew what would happen tomorrow or what would happen next hour. God keeps reminding me through his words. Matthew 7:25, 33-34: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear…But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things all be given to you as well. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” I learned to live an hour a time, one day a time. I went to church every Sunday to learn God’s words and hear messages from Reverend Daniel Chen. This is the church I felt connected thanks for the church leaders, brothers, and sisters.

Road to recovery

The road to recovery and bring back normal life was by no means easy. So many things happened and I went through so many emotions. A day feels like a week. For a good year or two, I could only sleep 2-3 hrs in average. When Patrick started kindergarten at 5, his school starts at 7:45 am and we need to leave house 7:30 am. Getting 5 and 3 year olds kids ready at 7:30 am with them fed by breakfast and lunch packed without a helping hand was a daunting task. Couple of times my eyes went black. At the end of each day, I was too exhausted to even talk. I know God will not give me more than I can bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13: “….And God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

I was thirsty for inspiration. I benefited a lot from TV anchor Orpah’s life-class about gratitude, forgiveness, etc. and Christian books written by Joel Osteen. It reminded me the importance of having the right state of mind. I was inspired by the stories of those people who overcame the obstacles in life and rose above it. I was so determined not to become a victim, not let my kids become the victim. Letting go the things that I can’t control and letting go all the negative feelings is the hardest things I have to learn. But God gave me the wisdom to know that I must let it go. Otherwise, I would be in the mental prison and would not be happy. The Holy Spirit constantly reminded me when I was in the bad moment. The little voice inside me kept saying: “let it go, let it go, let it go!”

While I was going through a lot personally, lots have changed in my professional life. We were under a different team with new bosses. When everyone in the new team was working hard to prove themselves, I was behind. My work requires sharp brain and literally I lost my brainpower as I was too consumed in my own world. I was the only female in the team with over 20 people back then. I was on the verge of potentially being laid off.

I had lots to prove at work. A new coworker joined our team. He is intelligent, works very hard, and he gets along well with everyone. He has vision and gets tasks done so perfectly. He is the best well-rounded person I have known professionally. He raised the bar so high.

Overcame obstacles

Back in January last year, I had an opportunity to work on a prototype capacity solution. There was skepticism because we failed to develop such solution in the same system twice before, resistance of change and wait to see attitude. For the next few months, I worked hard to develop and enhance this solution and overcame many obstacles. I often asked myself: what would my co-worker do if he were the one developing this? I truly gave all I had, my brain and my heart. It is first time in my life I have found passion in my work. Today, the solution has been implemented in more than 10 sites and we have received many praises.

Last year, I also became the business owner to manage the system that the capacity solution was built on. The system is widely used by 2500 users and 91 sites in my company for 15 years. Today the system is facing the challenge of not being viewed strategic. I truly believe the power of this system and the value it brings to my company. I worked tirelessly to develop solutions to solve business challenges inside the system, I travelled to Penang, Malaysia to provide training to regional key people, I pulled the team together to promote knowledge sharing, etc. I did all of the work is not because I had to do, because I knew this is the right thing to do for the company. The hard work I did has helped to turn the situation around.

I am in victory

Looking back, I realize God put me in the position because he wants to do a favor for me. If it were easy, I wouldn’t have given all I have. I have reached to a place professionally I didn’t think it was possible. In the process, I have found passion, confidence, leadership and tenacity I didn’t have before.

I have also seen God’s work in my son, Patrick. Patrick had significant development delay. He didn’t start to talk until he was 4 years ago. The same homework that Emily can finish less than an hour today took him about 6-7 hours when he was in the same first grade. The love and care he received from his teachers and special teachers in the last few critical years is unbelievable. His Kindergarten teacher worked with him one on one every day for about 2 months to help him develop phonetic awareness which he should have but didn’t have back then. I am forever grateful for those teachers and I see God’s love within those teachers. It meant a world to me, especially during that turbulent time. When Patrick told me the end of last October that he got the “Principle’s Award” for the first quarter in the third grade, that was the proudest moment I had last year. It is a reflection of our hard work.

Honor and blessing

Patrick was sick for almost one entire year after he turned to 2, then struggled with significant development delay and no socialization with other kids when he was 3. As he gradually started to socialize with other kids in pre-k class, our family was hit by the storm and both him and Emily got impacted negatively and we had lots of struggle. Along the way, God’s mercy and love has never left him. God has helped put him in the school that God is honored. Patrick has blossomed into such a great boy with a kind heart. I see how he went above and beyond to help his sister when she was sick when no one told him. He was my rock during the difficult time. Patrick has taught me so much. He is truly the God’s blessing to me.

What an incredible journey I had the last few years. I have closed the most important chapter of my life. Here I am grateful for who God is in my life and for what He’s done. I will not take for granted the people, the opportunities, and the favor He has blessed me with. I thank Him for what I have and not complain about what I don’t have. My heart overflows with praise and gratitude for all of His goodness. To God be the glory! Amen!


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

“感谢 神、常帅领我们在基督里夸胜、并藉着我们在各处显扬那因认识基督而有的香气。(哥林多后书 2:14)


By 陈逸民 (2014.11.23)



工作上时常有很多的项目或系统上临时出了问题,经常都不是一两个小时就能想出办法解决,有时长达两三个月或是更长时间才能找出问题的所在点,然后才开始寻找解决方案。任何时间和地点,我的脑袋都在不停的转,这样的压力随着时变得越来越大,也不见得能想出好的方法。”你要专心仰赖耶和华、不可倚靠自己的聪明.在你一 切所行的事上、都要认定他、他必指引你的路。”(箴言三章5-6);”要寻求耶和华与他的能力,时常寻求他的面。”(历代志上十六章11)因此我常常祷告求神说我做不来,我需要祢,祈求赐给我解决的方案,帮助公司。


另外,我服务上班12年的公司在去年六月份被其他公司收购,所有的同事几乎多已离开,当时我也準备重新寻找新的工作。后来在几次约谈后,新老板竟然提出要我留任18个月,让我很惊讶。哈利路亚!感谢主!神的智慧高过人的智慧,人怎能猜透? 惟一方法就是仰赖神。阿们!将荣耀归于至高神。

儿子生来是瞎眼 –双眼全盲


原本说年龄太小不适合动手术,当我们全家已作好心理準备接受Joshua 是双眼全盲的孩子时,医生又通知我们说6个月大的孩子刚好可以动手术,因为婴儿体力恢复得比较快。记得凌晨送进手术室时,我只有在心里呼求主耶稣,将一切交托给祂。感谢神!手术后光能通到左眼使他能有一点膜糊的视力,现在还能认出一些颜色,连医生也都惊讶。

约翰福音第九章1到3节中提到生来是瞎眼人的故事,耶稣回答说:也不是这人犯了罪、也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上显出神的作为来。(哥林多后书十二章9)”他对我说、我的恩典够你用的。因为我的能力,是在人的软弱上显得完全。所以我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。”感谢 神!如今Joshua满4岁了,是家中的开心果,每天带给我们欢笑和看见盼望,使我们深深相信神有美好的计划要在他身上成就并彰显神的大能及荣耀。



感谢神!赐我话语的亮光:”你趁着年幼,衰败的日子尚未来到,就是你所说,我毫无喜乐的那些年日未曾临近之先,当记念造你的主。”(传道书第十二章1);”当用各样的智慧,把基督的道理,丰丰富富的存在心里,〔或作当把基督的道理丰丰富富的存在心里以各样的智慧〕用诗章、颂词、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒 心被恩感歌颂神。(歌罗西书第三章16);”当用诗章、颂词、灵歌彼此对说,口唱心和的赞美主。”(以弗所书第五章19);”凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华。你们要赞美耶和华。”(诗篇一百五十篇6)

经过这次的生病,神让我再一次看见祂掌管一切。要改变从家里开始,我必须把握时间把两个孩子带到主耶稣面前,学习祷告敬拜神,预备好成为神可使用的器皿。我开始建立家庭祭坛,感谢主!神预备的时间刚刚好Joshua 4岁了,他已经可以唱几十首中英文的敬拜诗歌。 现在每天晚上我们全家晚上8点就开始敬拜,由Joshua 领唱,Daniel 领祷告,我放了两张椅子,时间一到,他们自动站上去。每次看着他们唱歌敬拜神,我们都满心欢喜地感谢赞美,因为就像小孩子般单纯的来到天上的阿爸父面前,用心灵和诚实来敬拜祂,为要得祂的喜悅。我们全家每天充满享受神的恩典。


“我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱。我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相 爱。你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。”(约翰福音十三章34-35)在生病期间,藉着主里弟兄姊妹的关怀及帮助,神的爱及恩典都充满在我们每天的生活中,藉着弟兄姊妹彼此的相爱彰显神的爱。虽然有时候老我的毛病又犯了或是又有软弱的时候,感谢主!藉着「活泼的生命」(QT)以及自己的灵修,还有透过弟兄姊妹每天都有话语的亮光与分享,适时的提醒或安慰了我。”我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人。”(罗马书第八章28)感谢神!藉着主耶稣基督为我们钉死在十字架上,救赎并赦免我们的罪,赐下生命活水,让我们得以进入 神的国度。哈利路亚!国度、权柄、荣耀,全归于神!直到永永远远。


“要常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡事谢恩.因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。”(帖撒罗尼迦前书五章16-18)以祷告来经历 神的爱及恩典,祷告是神赐给我们的特权,让我们可以有能力与至高神有亲密话语的交通。十月份时Joshua因为4岁上Pre-K School感到上学不一样了,需要做更多事情,更独立。他开始有抱怨说上课时间太长,心里产生了压力;紧接着他开始找各种理由不去上课,每天早上都是一场争战,看他哭我也跟著哭。我清楚明白作父母的实在无法帮孩子卸掉心中的压力,唯一的方法是引导他到主耶稣面前,向主祈求并学会倚靠 神,让他明白还有一位爱他的天父时时刻刻都在看顾。就这样,每天我们都是一起祷告并且哭着进学校教室。

有一天我仍照常去接他放学回家,一下了School Bus,Joshua对我说了短短的几句话,让我感动又惭愧,”爸爸,我今天上学没有哭,因为有主在我里面,我已经得胜有余了”哈利路亚!感谢主耶稣基督,我们已经得胜并且有余了,阿们!最后希望我的见证能鼓舞帮助弟兄姊妹,愿神祝福弟兄姊妹们,每天祷告,每天得胜,每天祷告,每天喜乐。阿们!


“我不以福音为耻.这福音本是 神的大能丶要救一切相信的丶先是犹太人丶後是希利尼人。因为 神的义丶正在这福音上显明出来.这义是本於信丶以致於信.如经上所记丶『义人必因信得生。』” (罗马人书 1:16-17)

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”( Romans 1:16-17)