From Victim to Victor

By Kathy Xie (2015.03.10)

When I joined this church and got baptized 3 months after around Easter 4 years ago, I was in the darkest time of my life. Today, I am living a very happy life. The life I would never thought it was possible back then. But with God’s mercy and grace, he has made everything possible.

My life was almost crushed

My life was completely shattered 4 and half years ago. My ex-husband’s long time fair with another woman came to light and they had a child. The businesses we funded in China and in the States have nothing to do with me. It was the time when real estate market crashed in Florida. I was left alone with two very young kids, mortgages close to 1 Million under my name only, including the money borrowed from my parents, not knowing truth directly from my ex. I seriously thought of filing bankruptcy, short-sale of the condo we live, etc… It was an understatement to say that I was scared to death. His cruelty and the way he handled things were outrageous and caused me so much pain and anger. I just wanted him to die. I hit the rock bottom and couldn’t sleep at all.

An inch at the Cliff

We were fighting at the edge of a cliff. A heated instance taken to the court made me realize if we continue to fight, I would be destroyed and my two kids would likely become foster kids. During that dark period, I experienced every single negative feeling human being could possibly experience. One Sunday I walked into the church full of anger, the message from Rev. Brown was how Bible teaches us to control anger. I felt God was talking to me directly. I worried every single day because I never knew what would happen tomorrow or what would happen next hour. God keeps reminding me through his words. Matthew 7:25, 33-34: “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear…But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things all be given to you as well. Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” I learned to live an hour a time, one day a time. I went to church every Sunday to learn God’s words and hear messages from Reverend Daniel Chen. This is the church I felt connected thanks for the church leaders, brothers, and sisters.

Road to recovery

The road to recovery and bring back normal life was by no means easy. So many things happened and I went through so many emotions. A day feels like a week. For a good year or two, I could only sleep 2-3 hrs in average. When Patrick started kindergarten at 5, his school starts at 7:45 am and we need to leave house 7:30 am. Getting 5 and 3 year olds kids ready at 7:30 am with them fed by breakfast and lunch packed without a helping hand was a daunting task. Couple of times my eyes went black. At the end of each day, I was too exhausted to even talk. I know God will not give me more than I can bear. 1 Corinthians 10:13: “….And God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.”

I was thirsty for inspiration. I benefited a lot from TV anchor Orpah’s life-class about gratitude, forgiveness, etc. and Christian books written by Joel Osteen. It reminded me the importance of having the right state of mind. I was inspired by the stories of those people who overcame the obstacles in life and rose above it. I was so determined not to become a victim, not let my kids become the victim. Letting go the things that I can’t control and letting go all the negative feelings is the hardest things I have to learn. But God gave me the wisdom to know that I must let it go. Otherwise, I would be in the mental prison and would not be happy. The Holy Spirit constantly reminded me when I was in the bad moment. The little voice inside me kept saying: “let it go, let it go, let it go!”

While I was going through a lot personally, lots have changed in my professional life. We were under a different team with new bosses. When everyone in the new team was working hard to prove themselves, I was behind. My work requires sharp brain and literally I lost my brainpower as I was too consumed in my own world. I was the only female in the team with over 20 people back then. I was on the verge of potentially being laid off.

I had lots to prove at work. A new coworker joined our team. He is intelligent, works very hard, and he gets along well with everyone. He has vision and gets tasks done so perfectly. He is the best well-rounded person I have known professionally. He raised the bar so high.

Overcame obstacles

Back in January last year, I had an opportunity to work on a prototype capacity solution. There was skepticism because we failed to develop such solution in the same system twice before, resistance of change and wait to see attitude. For the next few months, I worked hard to develop and enhance this solution and overcame many obstacles. I often asked myself: what would my co-worker do if he were the one developing this? I truly gave all I had, my brain and my heart. It is first time in my life I have found passion in my work. Today, the solution has been implemented in more than 10 sites and we have received many praises.

Last year, I also became the business owner to manage the system that the capacity solution was built on. The system is widely used by 2500 users and 91 sites in my company for 15 years. Today the system is facing the challenge of not being viewed strategic. I truly believe the power of this system and the value it brings to my company. I worked tirelessly to develop solutions to solve business challenges inside the system, I travelled to Penang, Malaysia to provide training to regional key people, I pulled the team together to promote knowledge sharing, etc. I did all of the work is not because I had to do, because I knew this is the right thing to do for the company. The hard work I did has helped to turn the situation around.

I am in victory

Looking back, I realize God put me in the position because he wants to do a favor for me. If it were easy, I wouldn’t have given all I have. I have reached to a place professionally I didn’t think it was possible. In the process, I have found passion, confidence, leadership and tenacity I didn’t have before.

I have also seen God’s work in my son, Patrick. Patrick had significant development delay. He didn’t start to talk until he was 4 years ago. The same homework that Emily can finish less than an hour today took him about 6-7 hours when he was in the same first grade. The love and care he received from his teachers and special teachers in the last few critical years is unbelievable. His Kindergarten teacher worked with him one on one every day for about 2 months to help him develop phonetic awareness which he should have but didn’t have back then. I am forever grateful for those teachers and I see God’s love within those teachers. It meant a world to me, especially during that turbulent time. When Patrick told me the end of last October that he got the “Principle’s Award” for the first quarter in the third grade, that was the proudest moment I had last year. It is a reflection of our hard work.

Honor and blessing

Patrick was sick for almost one entire year after he turned to 2, then struggled with significant development delay and no socialization with other kids when he was 3. As he gradually started to socialize with other kids in pre-k class, our family was hit by the storm and both him and Emily got impacted negatively and we had lots of struggle. Along the way, God’s mercy and love has never left him. God has helped put him in the school that God is honored. Patrick has blossomed into such a great boy with a kind heart. I see how he went above and beyond to help his sister when she was sick when no one told him. He was my rock during the difficult time. Patrick has taught me so much. He is truly the God’s blessing to me.

What an incredible journey I had the last few years. I have closed the most important chapter of my life. Here I am grateful for who God is in my life and for what He’s done. I will not take for granted the people, the opportunities, and the favor He has blessed me with. I thank Him for what I have and not complain about what I don’t have. My heart overflows with praise and gratitude for all of His goodness. To God be the glory! Amen!


“But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him.” (2 Corinthians 2:14)

“感谢 神、常帅领我们在基督里夸胜、并藉着我们在各处显扬那因认识基督而有的香气。(哥林多后书 2:14)


By 陈逸民 (2014.11.23)



工作上时常有很多的项目或系统上临时出了问题,经常都不是一两个小时就能想出办法解决,有时长达两三个月或是更长时间才能找出问题的所在点,然后才开始寻找解决方案。任何时间和地点,我的脑袋都在不停的转,这样的压力随着时变得越来越大,也不见得能想出好的方法。”你要专心仰赖耶和华、不可倚靠自己的聪明.在你一 切所行的事上、都要认定他、他必指引你的路。”(箴言三章5-6);”要寻求耶和华与他的能力,时常寻求他的面。”(历代志上十六章11)因此我常常祷告求神说我做不来,我需要祢,祈求赐给我解决的方案,帮助公司。


另外,我服务上班12年的公司在去年六月份被其他公司收购,所有的同事几乎多已离开,当时我也準备重新寻找新的工作。后来在几次约谈后,新老板竟然提出要我留任18个月,让我很惊讶。哈利路亚!感谢主!神的智慧高过人的智慧,人怎能猜透? 惟一方法就是仰赖神。阿们!将荣耀归于至高神。

儿子生来是瞎眼 –双眼全盲


原本说年龄太小不适合动手术,当我们全家已作好心理準备接受Joshua 是双眼全盲的孩子时,医生又通知我们说6个月大的孩子刚好可以动手术,因为婴儿体力恢复得比较快。记得凌晨送进手术室时,我只有在心里呼求主耶稣,将一切交托给祂。感谢神!手术后光能通到左眼使他能有一点膜糊的视力,现在还能认出一些颜色,连医生也都惊讶。

约翰福音第九章1到3节中提到生来是瞎眼人的故事,耶稣回答说:也不是这人犯了罪、也不是他父母犯了罪,是要在他身上显出神的作为来。(哥林多后书十二章9)”他对我说、我的恩典够你用的。因为我的能力,是在人的软弱上显得完全。所以我更喜欢夸自己的软弱,好叫基督的能力覆庇我。”感谢 神!如今Joshua满4岁了,是家中的开心果,每天带给我们欢笑和看见盼望,使我们深深相信神有美好的计划要在他身上成就并彰显神的大能及荣耀。



感谢神!赐我话语的亮光:”你趁着年幼,衰败的日子尚未来到,就是你所说,我毫无喜乐的那些年日未曾临近之先,当记念造你的主。”(传道书第十二章1);”当用各样的智慧,把基督的道理,丰丰富富的存在心里,〔或作当把基督的道理丰丰富富的存在心里以各样的智慧〕用诗章、颂词、灵歌,彼此教导,互相劝戒 心被恩感歌颂神。(歌罗西书第三章16);”当用诗章、颂词、灵歌彼此对说,口唱心和的赞美主。”(以弗所书第五章19);”凡有气息的,都要赞美耶和华。你们要赞美耶和华。”(诗篇一百五十篇6)

经过这次的生病,神让我再一次看见祂掌管一切。要改变从家里开始,我必须把握时间把两个孩子带到主耶稣面前,学习祷告敬拜神,预备好成为神可使用的器皿。我开始建立家庭祭坛,感谢主!神预备的时间刚刚好Joshua 4岁了,他已经可以唱几十首中英文的敬拜诗歌。 现在每天晚上我们全家晚上8点就开始敬拜,由Joshua 领唱,Daniel 领祷告,我放了两张椅子,时间一到,他们自动站上去。每次看着他们唱歌敬拜神,我们都满心欢喜地感谢赞美,因为就像小孩子般单纯的来到天上的阿爸父面前,用心灵和诚实来敬拜祂,为要得祂的喜悅。我们全家每天充满享受神的恩典。


“我赐给你们一条新命令,乃是叫你们彼此相爱。我怎样爱你们,你们也要怎样相 爱。你们若有彼此相爱的心,众人因此就认出你们是我的门徒了。”(约翰福音十三章34-35)在生病期间,藉着主里弟兄姊妹的关怀及帮助,神的爱及恩典都充满在我们每天的生活中,藉着弟兄姊妹彼此的相爱彰显神的爱。虽然有时候老我的毛病又犯了或是又有软弱的时候,感谢主!藉着「活泼的生命」(QT)以及自己的灵修,还有透过弟兄姊妹每天都有话语的亮光与分享,适时的提醒或安慰了我。”我们晓得万事都互相效力,叫爱神的人得益处,就是按他旨意被召的人。”(罗马书第八章28)感谢神!藉着主耶稣基督为我们钉死在十字架上,救赎并赦免我们的罪,赐下生命活水,让我们得以进入 神的国度。哈利路亚!国度、权柄、荣耀,全归于神!直到永永远远。


“要常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡事谢恩.因为这是 神在基督耶稣里向你们所定的旨意。”(帖撒罗尼迦前书五章16-18)以祷告来经历 神的爱及恩典,祷告是神赐给我们的特权,让我们可以有能力与至高神有亲密话语的交通。十月份时Joshua因为4岁上Pre-K School感到上学不一样了,需要做更多事情,更独立。他开始有抱怨说上课时间太长,心里产生了压力;紧接着他开始找各种理由不去上课,每天早上都是一场争战,看他哭我也跟著哭。我清楚明白作父母的实在无法帮孩子卸掉心中的压力,唯一的方法是引导他到主耶稣面前,向主祈求并学会倚靠 神,让他明白还有一位爱他的天父时时刻刻都在看顾。就这样,每天我们都是一起祷告并且哭着进学校教室。

有一天我仍照常去接他放学回家,一下了School Bus,Joshua对我说了短短的几句话,让我感动又惭愧,”爸爸,我今天上学没有哭,因为有主在我里面,我已经得胜有余了”哈利路亚!感谢主耶稣基督,我们已经得胜并且有余了,阿们!最后希望我的见证能鼓舞帮助弟兄姊妹,愿神祝福弟兄姊妹们,每天祷告,每天得胜,每天祷告,每天喜乐。阿们!


“我不以福音为耻.这福音本是 神的大能丶要救一切相信的丶先是犹太人丶後是希利尼人。因为 神的义丶正在这福音上显明出来.这义是本於信丶以致於信.如经上所记丶『义人必因信得生。』” (罗马人书 1:16-17)

“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile. For in the gospel a righteousness from God is revealed, a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: “The righteous will live by faith.”( Romans 1:16-17)


By 邱吉武 2014.11.23





今天我跟从耶稣,我很喜欢。牧师教我背诵的其中一节是,耶稣说:”我就是道路、真理、生命,若不藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。”(约翰福音第十四章6节)感谢主,我今天不再走赌馆的路,而是走教堂的路;不再走黑暗的路,而是走光明的路;不再走输的路,而是走赢的路。是主耶稣教我走的得胜之路! 感谢主!不再走通往东边(地狱)之路,改走通往西边(天堂)之路 !我现在很熟悉教堂的路,是耶稣的爱改变了我。圣经说:”神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的人不至灭亡,反得永生。”(约翰福音第八章16节)


我信主半年了,不再面黄肌瘦,而是红光满面,神采奕奕,心中充满喜乐。我不再去赌博了,每一个主日我去教堂,敬拜神 ! 我的生命不一样了,春风满面,喜乐平安,身体健康了。自从我信主之后,固定参加教會的小组聚会和主日学。我在小组中学习神的话语,分享心得,学习开口祷告。現在還在小组中學習带领祷告;我发现我的生命在成长。主日学上课中,我学到了圣经中的很多真理,明白了上帝在我身上的美意。我爱慕上帝的话,我常常读圣经和「活泼的生命」。虽然还有很多我不明白的,但我愿意活在耶稣的光中,因為耶稣是道路、是真理、是生命。今天我很快乐,我真心爱主,愿意为主做事奉,愿意为教会活动煮饭菜,我也愿意在金钱上作奉献,我很喜欢为主作见证。




“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”( 2 Corinthians 5:17 )


By 宋文媖 2017.11.19

自2001年开始接触福音,被 神的爱感动,於2001年3月18日决志,两个月后于同年五月二十日受洗归入主基督耶稣的名下。回首过去跟随主的脚步,路径滴满脂油,恩典数算不尽。我所有的一切全都是 神的恩赐,我无法增减祂一丝一毫的荣耀。我只能向世人传说神的救恩和美德,尊荣祂的名。


今日我要向各位见证的是,圣经- 神的话语,改变我生命的事实。 神的话,句句都带着能力,使信的人得着生命和力量,能去遵行天父上帝的旨意,以致能亲身经历祂所应许要赐给我们的丰盛生命,成为一个有福的人。神话语的总纲,就是信实。祂是全能的上帝,没有谎言,而是诚信,公义,守约,施慈爱,不偏待人的 神。过去当我倚靠自己,人生似乎走到了尽头。「福音」- 神的话语如同光一般临至我的时候,那已被黑暗所笼罩的心,霎时感觉有救了!

读到旧约时代, 神兴起摩西作属神子民希伯来人的领袖,向自己的百姓吩咐祂所颁布的律法时,说:・我今日所警教你们的,你们都要放在心上,要吩咐你们的子孙谨守遵行这律法上的话。因为这不是虚空与你们无关的事,乃是你们的生命。我今日呼天唤地向你作见证,我将生死,祸福,陈明在你面前,所以你要拣选生命。・(申命记三十二章46-47; 三十章19)此类震耳聩聋的警戒和教训,充满了整本圣经,包括旧约和新约,震撼著我的心。不同之处,是今日乃恩典的时代,靠著复活得胜的基督,圣灵所赐给我们的大能大力,信靠耶稣的人,只要我们愿意,就没有不能遵行的。圣经说,一生的果效,由心发出。中国成语说,「人者,心之器也。」我以前之所以陷入绝境,无以为继,是因自己有心病。神的话语像「救心」,使我绝处逢生,仿佛为我换了一颗新的心,灵再次活泼起来,令我对未来充满了盼望。 




不认识神以前,自认为没有作奸犯科,还算是个不错的人。读了圣经后,在神圣洁话语的光照之下,才看见以神的真理为标準,自己是满身罪污,原该接受神公义的审判,被丟到地狱火湖的货色。然而 神的爱和恩典如此浩大,竟差遣祂的独生爱子耶稣为我舍命,接受我本当受的刑罚。只要我相信神的话,信靠耶稣基督代赎的事实,我一切的罪就被赦免,得着作神儿女的权柄,并得着从神生的新生命。



过往的岁月证实我是一个缺少智慧的人。圣经说:”敬畏耶和华,是智慧的开端;认识至圣者,便是聪明。”(箴言九章10)又说:”寻求耶和华的,甚么好处都不缺。祂未曾留下一样好处,不给那些行动正直的人。”(诗篇三十四篇10; 八十四篇11)。”神的话是我们脚前的灯,路上的光。”(诗篇一百一十九篇105) 基於过往人生失败的经验,我知道皆因没有 神的话来指引。从此圣经成为我生命的手册,生活的依归。当时初信主的我,处於退休状态,时间很多。我非常认真渴慕的,每天抱着圣经,如寻宝般,欢喜快乐的流连在神的话语里,自得其乐。神的话真是比金子更宝贵,比奶油香,比蜜还甘甜。所带给我内心的喜乐和满足,实非笔墨所能形容。


过去我死在罪孽过犯中,伤害他人,也被別人伤害。不饶恕,怀怨,志不得伸,真可谓「心有千千结」。当我亲近 神,祷告寻求主的带领帮助,圣灵每每藉着圣经里的话,安慰我,医治我,释放我,鼓励我,扶持我,使我心里的结,如同涂抹了润丝精般,那些解不开的结,都被一一化解开来。那原本因忧伤破碎的心,和枯干的骨头,逐渐得着滋润恢复,整个灵魂甦醒过来,身上各样的病痛也不药而癒。就像耶利米先知所言:”耶和华万军之 神阿,我得着祢的言语,就当食物吃了。祢的言语,是我心中的欢喜快乐。因我是称为祢名下的子民。”(耶利米书十五章16) 哈利路亚!


神那赐生命的话语,对相信的人,有诸般益处。教导我们如何能承受 神在耶稣基督里的丰盛,作一个有福的人,享受喜乐充满的人生。耶稣为我们成就的救恩太伟大了。我能作的就是爱祂。祂说祂就是真理,所以爱耶稣就要爱真理。每天我将神的话存记在心里,认真学习,以免得罪祂。以下就是我的一些经历。 


以前当別人作事不负责任,或对自己所付出的以为理所当然,不表感激,我会习惯性的抱怨。听到圣经说:”凡所行的,都不要发怨言,起争论,使你们无可指摘,诚实无伪,在这弯曲悖谬的世代作上帝无瑕疵的儿女。你们显在这世代中,好像明光照耀,将生命的道表明出来。”(腓立比二章14-16a)类似的情况再发生时,主的话就会提醒我不要抱怨。因主耶稣教导我们,若不赦免別人的罪, 神也不赦免我们的罪。当”常常喜乐,不住的祷告,凡事谢恩。”(帖撒罗尼迦前书五章16-18)日子过的轻松快乐,不会再让別人轻易影响我在基督里的平安。


自小自尊心很强的我,虽自知不完全,但每当被责备批评时,内心会不悅,很不以为然,甚至会受伤害,并为自己找很多藉口。现在虽不完全能作到欢喜快乐的接受,但起码会有以不同的心态看待。因我听到主耶稣说:・凡事受了责备,就被光显明出来,因为一切能显明的就是光。所以主说,你这睡着的人,当醒过来,从死里复活,基督就要光照你了。・(以弗所书五章13-14) 主的话一临到,如沐春风,立刻化干戈为玉帛,因明白主要藉此提昇我,拓宽我的境界,使我得益处,叫我成长完全。面对责难,不再像以前软弱受伤。反能感谢赞美 神,有则改之,无则嘉勉。 



如今主教导我明白,丈夫是妻子的头,要敬重他,作他的帮助,以温柔长久安静为装饰,是 神所喜悅的。当我学习顺服主的话,家中争执逐渐减少,关系日趋和睦。因自己不再如过往坚持己见,批评责备,先生不再被我攻击,放下戒备的心,也变体贴温柔了。神开了我的眼,叫我以不同的眼光,看见并欣赏先生有许多长处优点,都是我所缺乏并且没有的。为此时常存感恩的心,感谢赞美 神,赐我一位非常优秀的配偶。也学习向先生说感谢赞美的话,不再尖著嗓门对他叫,给他脸色看。

我终于明白管教丈夫不是我的责任,我的责任是按他需要的帮助他满足他。现在若先生交待任何事,当天我必将其列为行事历上必完成之事。不是因为害怕,而是明白了尊重 神在家所设立的权柄,就是敬畏神,爱神了。这些改变,使我与主耶稣维持美好相交的关系,祷告没有拦阻,天天经历神所赐的恩惠和平安。



明白并顺服 神的心意后,人像换了一颗心似的,信主的日子越久,爱教会弟兄姊妹的心就越热。主常感动我为有需要的人祷告,并催促我去探访关怀在难处中的肢体,恩待我参与祷告会,主日学教导的服事,带领小组查经。如今更蒙 神的恩典,开放家庭供小组聚会,和大家一起读经分享交通,彼此生命链接。能在教会和弟兄姊妹们一起敬拜,同工,事奉 神,传扬耶稣的福音,并看见人心悔改归向神,生命改变,病得医治,缺乏的得满足,经历见证神的荣耀,这就是丰盛的生命。 






主将我摆在这个位置,要将”爱众人的心”(彼得後书一章7)加给我,使我深刻的感受到 神那怜悯人,愿意人人悔改,不愿见一人沈沦的心肠。至於我更深刻体认到,离开主,我就不能作甚么!惟有倚靠耶稣我才可能过荣耀祂,得胜的生活。

以前我不明白为何自己生命要经历这么多的艰辛痛苦。但当我知道耶稣基督是受苦的主,祂虽无罪,却受尽人世间的苦难,并被钉死在十字架上。正因为无辜的耶稣曾嚐尽人世间的苦楚,所以只有祂能体恤我们的软弱,并安慰拯救那些在患难中的人。 神允许我生命多受苦处,好叫我多经历祂的慈悲和安慰。等待祂带领我走过水火,进入平安丰盛之地后,能使用我去安慰那同受患难在苦楚中的人,并带领他们倚靠耶稣,同得着安慰和拯救。在受苦时仍能等候而不失去盼望。因知道信靠耶稣基督的人必不致羞愧!

感谢赞美神,在我身上施行拯救恢复的工作,耶稣基督在我心里成了有荣耀的盼望。能有耶稣作我生命的主,称真 神上帝为阿爸父,并有圣灵保惠师的同在,作我随时的帮助,是我一生最大的祝福。在主的保守看顾恩典里,我学会藉祷告,将一切的忧虑重担卸给神,凡事谢恩。日子过的简单,自在,轻松,人也有了自信。我知道我是天父上帝的孩子,也知道以后要往祂那里去。我天天将自己的生命献给主耶稣,一生以事奉祂,尊荣祂,传扬祂为职志。愿感恩,颂讚,荣耀都归给三一真神!


“但圣灵降临在你们身上、你们就必得着能力.并要在耶路撒冷、犹太全地、和撒玛利亚、直到地极、作我的见证。”( 使徒行传1:8)

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”( Acts 1:8)


By 陈丽珠 (2014.10.12)

“衪使我灵魂甦醒,为自己的名引导我走义路。我虽然行过死荫的幽谷,也不怕遭害;因为你与我同在,你的杖,你的竿,都安慰我。”诗篇23: 3-4

我姓陈名丽珠。家人本是拜佛的,现在全都是基督徒,我是在 2004年决定接受救恩和洗礼,成为 神的儿女。在这十年基督徒历程里,我亲眼见证主耶稣很多伟大神蹟,衪每天陪伴着我,给我新的力量和智慧去面对困难,祂从来没有离开过我。我体验到神紧握我的手,带领我、改变我、洁净我、安慰我。每一步踏出去的路,虽然满佈石头、崎岖难行,但都是祂带领我越过艰难,进入平坦之地,我真是感谢神的恩典。










2014年10月4日,在<MOFFIT>癌症中心,再次测试我,奇妙的事情发生,医生证实我的肿瘤不见了! 癌症没有了!在神的世界里面,没有什么是不可能的!感谢神的大能恩典!感谢全能的天父,感谢祢垂听众人的祷告! 感谢祢施行医治与拯救! 感谢祢的慈爱,感谢袮的关怀,感谢袮的宽恕,感谢袮的不离不弃。愿世人都以袮的名为圣,阿门!


“又说、你若留意听耶和华你 神的话、又行我眼中看为正的事、留心听我的诫命、守我一切的律例、我就不将所加与埃及人的疾病加在你身上、因为我耶和华是医治你的。”

(出埃及记15:26 )

“He said, “If you listen carefully to the voice of the LORD your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the LORD, who heals you.”( Exodus 15:26)


by 陆道政 (12/16/2013)

书香家庭背景 成长一帆风顺

我出身在一个书香之家,父亲由一个祖传中医,靠自己的奋斗,成了上海乃至全国有名的眼科医师。我们兄弟姐妹七人大多从医,只有我和二姊学了物理。我从小到大虽经过抗战、内战和国内无数次各式各样的”运动”,包括臭名昭著的”文化大革命”,终究还是顺利的成长过来,无论工作,结婚,生子都是。1979年我有幸全家移民来美国,开始了全新的自由自在的幸福生活。在这三十多年的时间里,学习、上班、培养儿子陆文峰(Simon Lu)成人。儿子在完成学业后结婚有了自己的小家庭,不久我们也就当上了祖父母。在确定晚年生活有保障后,2001年起我和我内人在佛州提前享受退休,可说是万事一帆风顺。

儿子奉主引导 老父信主曲折


空中突发急病 机场休克遇救


瞬间经历死亡 灵魂离开肉身

回到上海住处过了平静的一天后,半夜又惊见便血,在淩晨三时由救护车送往医院。到达急诊室出现更严重的大出血,在上洗手间时突然休克倒在地上,心跳和血压都测不出。医生和护士急忙全力进行抢救,替我输液,输血,做体外心脏按摩。这时一个奇妙的事情发生:我从全无感觉晕到在地,变成有意识、有思想的灵魂,我感到我的灵魂离开了自己原来的肉身,我轻漂漂地走在一个白色光亮的大道,在两边白色墙上看到一些画的浅绿色美丽的树木和一些人名。我发问是否我已死去,我没看到人,但却能听到一个肯定的回答,这让我感到十分沮丧。我说我还没有和任何人交代,我怎么就死了呢?!我不放心我的亲人和家里的事情。我听到的回答是”你不要管这些事,以后你也管不了这些事。” 当时我还是心想着我应做而未做的事,但一切都来不及了。我更不知道以后要面对的是怎样的”生活”,感到十分遗憾,后悔,无奈和无能为力。这时奇迹又发生,我恢复知觉又回到人间,张开眼看见自己躺在地上,医生和护士围着我,问我的名字和一些简单问题。这是我人生第一次濒临死亡的过程,使我亲自领受到死后灵魂的存在,和灵魂会走向某种未知的永恒世界。

死神紧紧跟随 决志祷告安心


频烦检查无效 医生临危上阵

医生们实在想不出有效方法确认出血点,只能多次反复地做肠镜,胃镜和血管造影检查。由于我血压过低,上麻醉有危险,我就在忍受剧痛无麻醉的情况下做这些检查。还好在第二次血管造影检查中终于找到了出血点,但这只是上一级血管的平面位置,无法由此确切决定是那一段肠子在出血。这时候唯一可行的就是剖腹探查,切除出血病灶。但血色素这么低的病人麻醉风险极大,这又是一个特別棘手的问题。幸好手术医生和麻醉师都能抱着救死扶伤的博爱精神,勇于接受风险和挑战,同意进行手术,我儿也簽字。在生死未卜的情况下,我於是经历了第二次的濒临死亡。”我虽然行过死荫的幽谷、也不怕遭害。因为你与我同在。你的杖、你的竿、都安慰我。” (诗篇二十三4)

棘手剖腹探查 手术顺利结束



反思人生意义 接受洗礼重生



“因我活着就是基督、我死了就有益处。”(腓利比书 1:21) “For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21) 

Link to 陆道政弟兄纪念專輯

Learning to Let Go and Let God 

By Christine Ho (2015.03.13) 

Up until last year, the mentality of “giving everything to God” was easy for me. Nothing much ever happened that didn’t go according to plan – I thought that everything that had happened in my life coincided with what I wanted and ultimately, with what God had planned for my life.

I switched my major to dietetics right before my senior year of college so I had to stay an extra semester to finish my degree. This meant that my future plans would all be postponed and with dietetics, the process would be even more stressful now that I had pushed back my graduation date. Upon graduating with a bachelor in dietetics, you are not guaranteed to become a registered dietitian. There is an extremely stressful process that you need to go through before you are able to sit for and take the registration exam and become licensed to practice as a dietitian. It requires that you go through an extensive application and matching process to an internship, which is essentially rotations of supervised practice similar to that of medical residency. The matching process is exactly the same as that of residency – after you send in your applications to your set number of schools/programs, you must rank the schools on a separate website. After ranking them, you will or will not be invited for interviews. The schools/programs must then also rank you so that you can be matched to their program. Currently, the national average match rate for dietetics is 50%, which means that half of those who graduate with a bachelor in dietetics will not be able to do their rotations and will ultimately not become registered dietitians.

From Disappointment to Great Joy

I had gone through my list multiple times, carefully ranking which programs I wanted to apply to. I applied all over the country, with the University of Houston being the closest program in distance to Florida. After I sent in my applications in September, I had to wait 2 months for match day to roll around. During these two months, I waited and waited, desperate to hear back for an interview invitation from the 4 programs I had applied to. I prayed earnestly for these interviews, but was disappointed to hear back from none. I honestly didn’t know what I would do if I didn’t get matched at all because I switched my major specifically with this one goal in mind, to become a registered dietitian. A bachelor in dietetics is not of much use – you need to go through the internship to take the registration exam to become a registered dietitian. This, alone, caused much stress for me and although I depended on the Lord for comfort to get me through these times of distress, I grew even more doubtful of my own abilities and my future. When match day came around and I checked the computer only to find out that I didn’t get matched, I was crushed. I cried the entire day, and was extremely angry at myself and at God. I questioned God many times, asking Him why he didn’t provide what I wanted, what I thought was best for me. Why didn’t God give me this one thing? Didn’t he want me to become a registered dietitian? Why would He close this door, to disappoint me? It was extremely hard to go to class the next day and face my classmates. They would all know that I didn’t get matched. I felt like a huge failure. It was hard to be confident in anything after I had failed at achieving this one thing that I wanted so badly.

However, amidst all of my disappointment and sorrows during this time, God had his plans for me and was indeed looking out for me. After match day in November, there is a second round of matching that occurs. There usually aren’t too many programs participating in second round matching because most programs fill up after first round matching. This time around, there was only one program that was participating – Samford University in Birmingham, Alabama. This was a new program and it was their first time participating in the dietetic internship matching. I was slightly discouraged because Alabama was not somewhere that I had seen myself living – I didn’t consider Alabama at all when I was looking at programs to begin with. And the fact that there was only one program to choose from was very disappointing because I didn’t have much of a choice if I wanted to participate in second round matching. I either had to apply now to Samford or wait a year to apply during the next cycle of matching. I begrudgingly started to prepare my materials and interview for Samford, knowing that this was my last opportunity to get matched. I felt as if I had no choice but to apply. There was really nothing that stood out to me about this school but as I began to gather more information for my interview and send my application in, I found out that this school is actually a Christian university. Their curriculum for the dietetic internship is founded on Christian principles and taught with a Christian mindset – it is rooted deeply in these values that I also share.

This was very comforting to me and I was extremely blessed by this, because the other programs that I had applied to during first round matching were not at Christian universities. This wasn’t even a priority for me when I was choosing programs, being that there aren’t many Christian universities with dietetic internships in the United States.

In God’s Perfect Timing

To make a long story short, I found out at the end of November that I did get matched to Samford University after second round matching. I was chosen to be a part of their intern class and for this, I can only thank the Lord. I have experienced His love and faithfulness like never before and realized how true His words are: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

It was truly a miracle and all in His perfect timing. I don’t know if I can put into words how miraculous it really was. First off, I wasn’t even planning on graduating in December. I was supposed to graduate in May of 2014. If I had graduated in May with the rest of my class, I would have applied to dietetic internships in the earlier matching cycle in February rather than in November. I would not have had the opportunity to even apply to Samford University because their program was brand new and they only participated in the November matching cycle. Secondly, because Samford’s program didn’t fill up completely after the first round of matching, they were able to accept more applications during the second round of matching. It is very rare that programs do not fill up because there are double the amount of applicants as there are spots in these dietetic internships all across the United States. Additionally, Alabama is only one state away from Florida – out of all the programs I had applied to, Samford was the closest to home. Yes, it would be a long drive but it’s close enough to home that driving would be an option. Lastly, it’s founded on Christian principles – the entire curriculum for my program was crafted with the idea of producing registered dietitians who are grounded in their faith and also in their knowledge of nutrition. Every year, the professors get together in the chapel and receive cards with the names of all of the incoming students. They then pray for their particular student on their card, praying that they would be blessed by the university and that the university would be able to provide guidance and fellowship during their time at Samford.

I had cried so many tears after that first round of matching, not knowing that God had this whole other plan in mind – a much better plan than I could have ever dreamed of for myself. Things didn’t go according to my plan. I thought Houston would be a much better fit for me and would have a better job market for my profession. I thought that I’d fit in more with the culture in Houston and would be much happier there. But what did I know?? How could I possibly know what was best for me at that time? “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.(Isaiah 55:8-9).

God Works All Things for Our Good

God never wants to see His children sad. His plans aren’t meant to hurt you. Now looking back on it, I should have never doubted the Lord – how can I possibly understand and know God’s great plan for my life when I have absolutely no clue what the future holds? God is the only one who knows what your future entails and he has created something amazing for each and every one of us. We just don’t know exactly what it is! And while you may think you have the perfect life planned out, you really don’t know a thing about your future. God wants the best for you and opens and closes doors for you, to align with his perfect plan for your life. Yes, they may not be doors that you want to close, but God has His purpose in doing so. I’ve learned to trust in the Lord with my WHOLE life. I’ve learned to never doubt God, to always lean on Him even when you have absolutely no clue what is happening in your life or why certain things happen to you, just as Proverbs says “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Yes, I am nowhere near Houston, my dream location. Yes, I’m in Birmingham, Alabama, the last place I had ever thought I’d be living in. But I know that I am supposed to be here because this is where God has brought me. I depended on the Lord to bring me to where I am now, and I will continue to depend on Him and give him my whole life as I go through many long days of rotations in a completely new city. It has been a little over two months since I’ve moved here and He has blessed me with new friends and wonderful professors and program directors. I’ve also been able to connect with a friend of a friend, who just moved to Birmingham one week ago. She is also a believer and together, we have been attending church and are looking for a small group that we can plug into. I can’t wait to see what other blessings God has in store for me!


“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)
